Creating a Community of Caring
The Nurses Christian Fellowship New Zealand / Te Kotahitanga Tapuhi Karaitiana o Aotearoa (Incorporated) (NCFNZ) is a national organisation providing support and advice to Christian nurses and outreach to those keen to investigate the many benefits of a life with God! NCFNZ brings the Christian perspective to national, regional, and local policy development, so ensuring the nursing profession is underpinned with sound ethical principles and that our service users have access to the best possible spiritual and bodily care.

We would be delighted if you feel able to make a general donation to NCFNZ
This will support the operation of our organisation in Aotearoa NZ and help us to continue playing an active part in our Pacific and East Asia Region and within NCF Internationally
Please use the form to the right to make your donation. If the amount you wish to donate is not shown please use the CONTACT FORM to get in touch and we will make arrangements to accept it.